Ready to get more food from your garden?

You’re in the right place!

I dish up no-nonsense advice that works.


harvesting tomatilloes

Perfect Timing: When is a Tomatillo Ready to Pick?

Tomatillos aren’t just green tomatoes! They’re a unique vegetable with it’s own tangy taste that’s nothing like its cousin tomato. They may not be as popular in home gardens, but those of us who do grow them have learned that they’re extremely productive and definitely deserve space in our garden beds. Although tomatillos definitely fall […]
do tomatillos need two plants

Are Tomatillos Self-Pollinating? A Gardener’s Guide

One season, I was tending to a client’s garden and her tomatillo plant was flowering, but wasn’t producing any fruit. I was confused because usually tomatillos are super productive. It’s easy to grow more than you can use in your kitchen. What the heck was going on? I was comparing the tomatillo plants in my […]
tomato harvest

The Big Question: How Long Does It Take for Tomatoes to Grow?

I know we all agree, there’s nothing quite like the taste of a homegrown tomato straight from the garden! No wonder it’s one of the most popular vegetables grown by gardeners. Since you’re probably counting down the days until your first harvest, you’re likely wondering how long does it take for tomatoes to grow? It […]
green, purple and yellow bean harvest

The Great Debate! Choosing Between Bush Beans vs Pole Beans

True fact: I rarely buy green beans from the grocery store. I find them to be waxy and virtually tasteless most of the time. They’re one of the vegetables I only eat during their growing season. That’s why I think they’re one of the most “worth it” vegetables to grow in your garden. One of […]
seed packets for the garden

When to Start Seeds Indoors in Zone 5 Demystified

I’ve lived and gardened in zone 5 (Madison, Wisconsin) for the bulk of my gardening life, over 20 years! This zone is no joke with bitterly cold winters and hot, humid summers – we have it all. The winters are long in Wisconsin, which is one of the reasons why I love starting seeds for […]
white pumpkin growing in garden

Seed to Harvest: Growing Pumpkins in Raised Beds

After building several different gardens of my own and working with hundreds of gardeners over the years, I’ve found that building and growing vegetables in raised beds is the best choice for most people. Raised beds offer lots of important benefits: they require less work to prepare in spring and less long term maintenance, they’re […]

Books to help you get the most from your vegetable garden

Grow more vegetables than ever in your garden this season. This book is a fresh and simple approach to planning your garden. At the end, you’ll have a personalized blueprint for what a successful season in your garden looks like.

Eat food from your garden all year round! Preserving food doesn’t have to be difficult or take up a lot of time. And if you think canning is the only option – this book is for you! I’ll teach you how easy it can be to use your basement, fridge, and freezer instead.


leek harvest

Harvesting Leeks Like a Pro: Tips from the Garden

I’m not shy about how much I love growing alliums in my garden. Every fall I plant 220 garlic and each spring 500 onions. I harvest and cure them in my garage in mid July and in fall I transfer them to my basement to use throughout the winter so I never have to buy […]
hand with garlic seed to plant

What Kind of Garlic Varieties Should You Plant?

Interested in growing garlic? You’re in luck – garlic is one of the easiest crops to grow in the home garden. You can plant a large amount in a small space, it doesn’t have many pests or diseases, and it loves cold weather. And if you live in a very cold climate like mine in […]
growing stages of brussels sprouts

Mastering Brussels Sprouts Growing Stages for a Bountiful Harvest

     If you’re reading this article, I’m going to assume you’re a proud member of the group of people who love Brussels sprouts! I’ll be honest, I didn’t eat one until adulthood when I became a gardener. In that way I’m spoiled because I never had to suffer through frozen or grocery store sprouts. […]
green pumpkin growing

Pumpkin Growing Stages: From Seed to Harvest

Pumpkins bring out the child in all of us.  We love seeing the colorful Jack O’ Lanterns at Halloween, and it’s exciting to see pumpkins ripening in the fields, their bright orange colors blending into the autumnal landscape. Did you ever consider growing your own pumpkins?  Pumpkins are a fun addition to any garden, and while they require a […]
wheelbarrow of onion harvest

Storing your homegrown onions for winter

Onions are one of my favorite vegetables to grow in my garden each year. Most seasons I plant between 300-500 and the majority of them go into storage so we can eat our own onions all winter long. Figuring out how to store garden onions can be tricky, but I’ve been doing it successfully for […]
winter beets harvested from garden about to be cooked

How to store beets from your garden when you have a bumper harvest

A common thing that happens in our gardens is that we end up planting too much of some vegetables and then come harvest time we have more than we can possibly eat. Beets are definitely one of these vegetables! No matter how much you love beets (there’s a phrase I would never have written 20 […]

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