Eat food from your garden all year round

You don’t have to garden year round to enjoy food from your garden 12 months of the year. You can make every harvest last longer by learning how to quickly and easily preserve vegetables at the height of their season.

Imagine having friends over for a winter brunch and popping open a jar of strawberry sauce to drizzle on pancakes. Picture hosting your family for a fall cookout and serving grilled pizza featuring pesto, peppers, and broccoli grabbed from your freezer. The food you grow during the season can be used in meals and celebrations all year long when you take the time to preserve some if it.

Preserving food is simple! It doesn’t have to be difficult or take up a lot of time. And if you think canning is the only option – this book is for you! I’ll teach you how easy it can be to use your basement, fridge and freezer instead.

Make your garden harvests last longer!

Easy Food Preserving

This book's title says it all and is very true! Why mess with canning when you can easily freeze so much of summer's bounty? Directions are clear and easy-to-follow and illustrations are beautiful. This is now my go-to guide for food preservation. If you like easy, you'll like this book!
- Madtown Jenny

Here's what the book covers:

    • the easiest and quickest ways to put away vegetables, fruits and herbs for out of season eating
    • a focus on fresh, fridge and freezer storage (no canning involved!)
    • my favorite varieties for storage
    • the short list of supplies needed for preserving
    • the best storage containers for each vegetable
    • clear and concise directions for preparation and storage
    • my favorite recipes for using your stored vegetables in delicious meals all year long
    • feel like food preserving is a fun challenge instead of a dreaded chore!

Super Easy Food Preserving Includes:

  • a print and/or PDF book with 67 full color pages
  • worksheets to help you make a personalized food preserving plan
  • a cookbook layout with separate pages for each vegetable
  • Optional: How-to video series

 Easy Food Preserving

See a sample of the book here: Super Easy Food Preserving Sample

I feel relieved that I'm not wasting any more precious time or food. I'm delighted thinking about the warm weather treats I'm storing away: preserved berries for a January pancake brunch or spicing up a cozy November night with homemade tomato sauce from my very own garden.
- Elizabeth Ellen
The pictures are beautiful and all of the methods are very clear and straight-forward. Beware, it gets a little addicting once you start preserving different things. Store-bought canned tomatoes just cannot compare to making pasta sauce and chili from tomatoes frozen at the height of their ripeness!
- Buffalo_b (online review)

Make your garden harvests last all year round! Nothing quite matches the thrill of cooking meals during the off season with vegetables you grab right from your own kitchen. Super Easy Food Preserving will show you how simple food preserving can be.


Does this book cover canning?

No. I have determined what I think are the easiest ways to preserve food using fresh, fridge and freezer storage. In this book I don’t cover canning, drying, fermenting, pickling, salting or root cellaring. Each vegetable listing has a section titled Other Ideas for Preserving in which I often link to other recipes and ways to preserve.

What if I’m just starting out with food preserving?

The book features worksheets to help you determine your priorities for food preserving. I suggest you start small the first year and identify your top five priorities for preservation, focusing on things your family eats on a regular basis.

Do I need any fancy equipment for super easy food preserving?

Most of the supplies listed in the book are likely things you already have in your kitchen. After reading how easy it is to freeze vegetables you may decide to invest in an inexpensive chest freezer, which is the best way to freeze food for long-term use.

What if I don’t have time to preserve food?

In Super Easy Food Preserving I focus on the quickest and easiest ways to get each vegetable, fruit, and herb into storage. All preserving takes some time, but the methods in this book take much less time than other techniques.

What if I don’t have enough food from my own garden to preserve?

Many of us don’t have enough room in our gardens to grow everything we’d like to preserve. Buying in bulk from local farmers, u-pick farms and the farmers market are easy ways to get great prices for food preserving. Produce is often the least expensive at the height of the season because of the excess supply.

What if I don’t have a garden?

Buying in bulk from local farmers, u-pick farms and the farmers market are easy ways to get great prices for food preserving. Produce is often the least expensive at the height of the season because of the excess supply.

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