Gardening Puns and Gardening Quotes to Make You Laugh

vegetable harvest

Wise women and men say that gardening is good for the soul and that laughter is the best medicine. Would that mean gardening puns, gardening quotes, and gardening jokes have an innate superpower to keep us healthy and spiritually fulfilled?

Gardening can feed your family and beautify your world. It’s a profession, hobby, and pastime with a history stretching back tens of thousands of years. Gardeners have been tending to their plots for millennia for the benefit of their families and communities.

But sometimes, gardening is difficult. You may find gardening stressful rather than rewarding at times. The sun is hot, the bugs are fierce, and sometimes Mother Nature just won’t cooperate.

If gardening’s got you down or it’s winter and you can’t wait for spring to begin, a few gardening puns will lighten the mood. Sometimes, it’s more fun to put the shears down, relax, and read the gardening memes for some old-fashioned entertainment.

peas garden pun

Here are a few gardening puns to get you in the mood to laugh your way to giant tomato plants and bountiful flowerbeds.

I’m particularly fond of puns that incorporate vegetable names.

  • Every day I’m brusselin’
  • Totally radish
  • You look radishing
  • Give peas a chance
  • Find your inner peas
  • Spread hap-pea-ness
  • Peas and quiet
  • I dig carrots  
  • Keep calm, carrot on
  • Lettuce romaine calm
  • Lettuce celebrate
  • I love you from my head to-ma-toes
  • I’m a gardener down to-ma-toes
  • Kale yes!
  • Turnip the music
  • You’re one in a melon
  • Oh my gourd

herb gardening puns

There’s a gold mine of gardening puns in the herb garden!

  • I’m kind of a big dill
  • Bay leaf in yourself
  • We were mint to be
  • Thyme to garden 
  • Thyme to eat some veggies
  • Ain’t nobody got thyme for that
  • Eat, drink and be rosemary
  • Good chives only

beet garden puns

If you happen to love beets (and I do!), there are a plethora of puns featuring this root vegetable.

  • Nothing beets gardening
  • Just beet it 
  • Up beet
  • Oh, for beet’s sake
  • Garden to your own beet
  • Hey DJ, turnip the beet!
  • The beet grows on
  • Gardening’s got me beet
  • Gardener’s don’t miss a beet
  • You make my heart skip a beet

And don’t forget all of the other root vegetables!

  • I love you a bunch
  • Gardeners grow the best roots
  • I’m rooting for you
  • Plant roots

garden harvest spring

Sometimes as a gardener you need some encouraging words:

  • I be-leaf in you
  • Gardening, it grows on you
  • Gardeners have natural talent
  • Gardeners are always branching out
  • Life’s a garden, dig it

And sometimes, you just want some naughty puns:

  • Oh, grow up already!
  • I wet my plants
  • I’m sexy and I grow it
  • Be nice or leaf
  • Leaf me alone
  • I don’t carrot at all
  • Dill with it
  • Talk dirt to me
  • Garden of weedin’
  • Kick some asparag-ass
  • Gardeners know all the dirt
  • Gardening makes me scream and sprout
  • Gardeners are always spouting off

inspiring garden quotes

Laughing and Gardening Are Good for Your Soul… and Your Mind

A British study called Gardening for Health: a regular dose of gardening suggests that gardening benefits your mental and physical health. That seems obvious, right? However, gardening might not feel terrific when you’re in the middle of digging a new garden bed.

Still, the study shows that simply observing nature offers mental health benefits. Even if you’re not on your knees sowing seeds, just putting yourself near plants and surrounding yourself with green space has an immense benefit. Imagine what gardening can do for your family’s mental health when you make it a regular habit to commune with nature.

Gardening Quotes To Laugh and Inspire

Gardening puns can brighten your day when the sun refuses to shine on your plot. But sometimes you need inspiration, too. Writers across the centuries have turned to nature for inspiration, including gardening.

In some ways, writing and gardening are not that different. A well-crafted sentence, especially in the form of a pithy quote, keeps giving in perpetuity like a perennial plant. But in the case of the good gardening quote, it gives wisdom instead of sustenance.

When you find a good aphorism about gardening, whether a funny gardening quote or an inspiring one, that is when writing and gardening begin to work in tandem.

Here are some funny gardening quotes and inspiring quotes to keep you digging:

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. -Marcus Tullius Cicero

An optimistic gardener is one who believes that whatever goes down must come up. -Leslie Hall

I like gardening. It’s a place where I find myself when I need to lose myself. -Alice Sebold

Weather means more when you have a garden. There’s nothing like listening to a shower and thinking how it is soaking in around your green beans. -Marcelene Cox

I have seen women looking at jewelry ads with a misty eye and one hand resting on the heart, and I only know what they’re feeling because that’s how I read the seed catalogs in January. –Barbara Kingsolver

In a world full of roses, stand out like a dandelion in the middle of a green, plush lawn! –June Stoyer

Gardens are a form of autobiography. –Sydney Eddison

A garden is a delight to the eye and a solace for the soul. –Saadi

harvesting beets in garden

There is no gardening without humility. Nature is constantly sending even its oldest scholars to the bottom of the class for some egregious blunder. -Alfred Austin

Gardening is one of the purest forms of mortal pleasure…Planting a garden means believing in a better tomorrow. – Ashwini Shenoy

I spent a lifetime in a garden one afternoon. –Craig D. Lounsbrough

Plant and your spouse plants with you; weed and you weed alone. -Jean Jacques Rousseau

I cultivate my garden, and my garden cultivates me. -Robert Breault

Gardening requires lots of water — most of it in the form of perspiration. -Lou Erickson

I know the pleasure of pulling up root vegetables. They are solvable mysteries. –Novella Carpenter

tulip flower closeup

Gardening Isn’t Always Easy, But It’s Always Rewarding

Creating a garden for the first time is fun, but the whole experience may become a little stressful when plants don’t grow as you expect. What if the dog tramples one of your tomato plants? What if slugs start attacking your strawberries? What if you forget to water your cucumbers for a few weeks? We’ve all been there, and sometimes it’s disheartening!

The fantastic thing about gardening though, is that it’s impossible to truly fail. Even if you kill a plant because of inexperience, neglect, or laziness, you can always create some healthy compost out of that plant to feed your next generation of garden vegetables.

Don’t give up! Take a step back and admire your garden from a distance. You’re always accomplishing something beneficial, even if the process is a little difficult.

Consider the benefits of your garden, even if it can’t feed the entire world. At the very least, have a laugh with a few gardening puns or jokes while you dig under your fingernails to get at that last bit of dirt.

The single greatest lesson the garden teaches is that our relationship to the planet need not be zero-sum, and that as long as the sun still shines and people still can plan and plant, think and do, we can, if we bother to try, find ways to provide for ourselves without diminishing the world. -Michael Pollan

grow your own food gardening t-shirt

More Gardening Laughs

If you’re a gardener with a sense of humor, Etsy has lots of fun art and homemade items that feature plenty of puns and jokes to keep you laughing all the way to spring.

I gathered some of my favorites here.




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