Tour of My Garden: Early June

Front yard vegetable garden

I often wonder if I would love spring so deeply if we didn’t have such long winters here in Wisconsin. These are the days that remind me of why I live in Madison. The rainbow of spring flowers, the intense yellowish green of emerging leaves, the white puffy clouds against a vibrant blue sky – my heart swells almost to the breaking point with happiness at this time each year.

As spring starts to turn the corner towards summer (my second favorite season!), I thought I’d pause and take you on a tour through my garden as it is right now.

The photo at the top of the post is the view of my front yard from across the street. My husband and I created a berm with perennial flowers as a visual buffer between our garden and the street. One of my favorite bulbs, purple allium, is scattered throughout the bed.

Raised Bed Garden

Now that it’s the first week in June most of my beds are filled with transplants and seeds. This shot shows the raised beds near the street. The two closest are the early spring crops of salad greens and peas. Farther back are onions, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, leeks, broccoli and kale.

The next photo is the other half of that same garden with lots of garlic, peppers, eggplant, beans and my herb spiral.

Front yard garden

Here’s a close up of my early spring bed. The one in the foreground was under my hoop and was planted in early March. The second was planted a month later and by now has caught up to the first bed.

Spring salad garden

I’ve harvested more salad greens this year than any other year in recent memory. I have felt so rich with salad – we eat it as much as we want and there’s always more waiting in the garden to be harvested.

Salad garden spring

I love Hakurei turnips for a quick growing addition to spring salads. I also have overwintered scallions planted from seed last summer. My kale has been big enough for a few harvests so far as well.

Growing turnips in the garden

Growing a spring garden

You may have seen me build my herb spiral last fall on The Perennial Plate show. I planted it with rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano, parsley, basil and calendula.

build an herb spiral

how to grow herbs

Onions are one of my favorite crops to grow. We usually plant between 300-500. In fact, we are still eating our storage onions from last year!

Spring garden onions

My side yard garden doesn’t have a fence around it right now, so I didn’t plant any of the spring crops that rabbits love to eat. It’s mostly filled with hotter weather vegetables that were recently planted.

spring front yard garden

We are experimenting with trellises made from livestock fencing. I planted tomatoes, cucumbers, hyacinth beans, clematis and love vine to climb them. The love vine, below on the right, is just starting to grasp onto the wire.

spring trellises garden

For the past 10 years we grew 38 tomato plants. This year I reduced it to 16 to change things up a bit. As a result I’ve been feeling like I have so much space in the garden this year!

tomato cages

The cherry tree we planted last fall had a pretty good crop of flowers, many of which are small cherries now.

growing fruit trees in the garden

Thanks for taking a tour with me! I’ll take you on another one in a few months to see the vast changes that always happen in summer.

The last post about what my neighbors think of my yard sparked a lot of comments on the blog. Read what people had to say and join in the conversation here.


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