There are lots of food preserving books and information out there. Couldn’t I just learn this all by reading?
There is a plethora of food preserving information out there. One common complaint I hear from clients is that the information is often contradictory, confusing, and overwhelming to them. I’ve worked with thousands of gardeners over the years and I know what works and what doesn’t. I strongly believe that you need to master the basics first before your start getting caught up in unnecessary details. You don’t need to read a pile of food preserving books – I’ve distilled the information for you!
Is this class about canning?
I’m not a big fan of canning for beginners because it can be overwhelming, scary and expensive. I like to keep my food preserving simple, so I use quicker techniques than canning. I walk you through them all step by step in the class.
Will you answer my questions about my own personal food preserving challenges?
Yes! I’d love to. That’s why we’ll have a private Facebook group. I’ll be there every day to answer your questions, offer advice and insight, and help you build a food preserving plan that works for you.
What if I’m just starting out food preserving?
If you’re new to food preserving then you’ve come to the right place! I’ll help you skip over the beginner mistakes that trip up most novice food preservers. Through this class you’ll be preserving food right the first time. You’ll get great results right away instead of taking several years to understand the basics.
What if I already do a lot of food preserving?
If you already have a food preserving routine you might feel ready for a fresh perspective and new ideas on how to make it go more quickly and easily. During the class you’ll have the opportunity to ask me specific questions about your techniques. You’re familiar with your strengths and you also know where you want to improve. I share a lot of details about my own food preserving in the class and you’ll also learn from the other students in the Facebook group.
How can I make time to participate in this workshop?
We’re all very busy and that’s one of the reasons I developed this workshop. You don’t have time to read tons of books, spend hours on the internet and take lots of classes trying to figure out how to preserve food successfully. I’ve taken all of my knowledge and boiled it down to the essentials so you can learn quickly and then get to work preserving food. The modules are available 24 hours a day/7 days a week so you can take each one when it works for you.
Do I have enough computer experience to take this workshop?
If you know how to click on a link, enter a password, and press play then you have enough computer know-how for this workshop! If you have any trouble I will be here to help you.
What if I don’t have a Facebook account?
Joining the private Facebook group adds a lot of value to the class experience. Participants share photos and stories, ask for input on preserving challenges and ask questions about the class material. That being said, it’s your decision whether you want to join the group. It’s not mandatory. If you aren’t a fan of Facebook you can always open a temporary account and delete it after the class.
How much time will it take me to complete the course content each week?
It all depends on how deeply you want to delve into the material and your own garden planning. You should be able to watch the lessons and do the homework in 1 hour per week. You might choose to do more as you get excited about the process!
If I discover the course isn’t right for me do you offer refunds?
I want to you to be happy with this class. If you watch all of the lessons, complete all of the homework and still aren’t satisfied I will refund your money.