3 Design Ideas for a Cattle Panel Trellis

vegetable Trellis in the garden

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the steps of building a simple and eye-catching cattle panel trellis to add height and a little bit of wow-factor to your garden. These trellises are the most commented-upon features in my home garden.

During harvest season in my garden the plants are big and lush, bursting with growth and tumbling every which way.

My garden feels a bit like a living, breathing beast that’s going to take over my entire yard. It’s a jungle out there, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. There’s a special kind of magic that can be found in the chaos.

One of my favorite quotes from Growing Beautiful Food: A Gardener’s Guide to Cultivating Extraordinary Vegetables and Fruit explores a topic close to my heart – growing food not only to feed your body but to feed your soul as well. 

“If you begin to imagine growing food as an art form, where you move beyond the supply and demand of feeding yourself and others and into the realm of aesthetics, then you begin to cultivate beauty as well. And beauty is a fundamental human need, as essential as breath.”

When the summer garden hits its peak I focus on soaking in the aesthetic beauty of my garden and embrace the extra joy it brings to my life. Every year I’m re-convinced that having a gorgeous vegetable garden is just as important as having a productive one.

vegtable garden Trellis

Which brings me to the subject of vegetable trellises! Each season I try to pay close attention to which parts of my garden I feel drawn to visually, so I can make mental notes about especially striking flower combinations, stand out vegetable varieties, and anything else that elicits a feeling of happiness in my heart.

One element of my garden that’s consistently been a favorite are the “temporary” DIY vegetable trellis I created on the fly one season to add more visual interest to the garden. I wanted something quick, easy, and inexpensive to start with while I worked out my plans for future structures.

After some scheming and dreaming, I decided to try a cattle panel trellis. I love the height and artistry they’ve added to my garden so much that they become more permanent than temporary!

First, we’ll walk through the various options for garden arch trellises, then I’ll show you step by step how you can create one for your own garden, and then we’ll end by exploring the specific flowers and vegetables that thrive on trellises.

diy vegetable trellis

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Design Ideas for a Cattle Panel Trellis


Here are three different styles of vegetable trellises that are simple and inexpensive to build. I use all three in my garden for different purposes.

garden arch trellis

Style #1: Garden Arch Trellis

With this trellis design you can keep the cattle panel in one piece, there’s no need to cut it. You’ll simply bend it over into an arched position.

You can see in the above photo that each side of the trellis is situated in a different garden bed. The arch is over the aisle between the beds forming an arbor you can walk under. 

Here are some photos of my arched trellises from different years and some of the vegetables I’ve grown on them.

diy garden arch trellis

Delicata squash on the left-hand side of the vegetable trellis and two tomatillo plants on the right side (purple and green).

You can also see the pink flower of a Mandevilla Vine and the green leaves of a Sweet Autumn Clematis. I have a tendency to overplant my trellises!

The clematis didn’t make it in this hot and dry location though.

diy arch trellis for vegetables

Another year with Purple Hyacinth Bean (you can see its flowers reaching for the sky) and Sun Gold cherry tomatoes. It looks like there might be a Diva cucumber in there as well. 

A few years after building the above garden arch trellis in my side garden, I decided to create one for the entrance to my front yard garden. Before that, I was simply stepping over the foot tall fence to get into the garden.

My husband and I also laid a multi-media garden path that incorporates stone, bricks, pavers and other found objects. I now have a much more beautiful entrance to my front yard garden!

garden trellis ideas

Can you find the other arched trellis in this photo? I call the back left corner of my garden the “back door” because it’s the most easily accessible part of the garden from my kitchen, which is also at the back of my house. I added another arched trellis for vegetables and flowers to this part of the garden, bringing the grand total to three!

diy cattle panel trellis

On this cattle panel trellis I planted a Tromboncino squash on the right side and it climbed all the way over to the other side. I then trained it along the fence. It just kept growing and producing squash! It’s an amazing plant. Even though it’s vining, it’s more like a zucchini than a winter squash.

I actually like it better because it’s a bit more dry and doesn’t get as mushy when cooking. The shapes of fruit it produces are super fun, too! (See below photo.)

I also have a clematis planted on the right side for a bit of early summer color. On the left side are two Sun Gold tomatoes.

cattle panel squash trellis

cattle panel garden trellis

Here’s the back door trellis I mentioned above. On the left side is Phoenix climbing nasturtium and on the right Sun Gold tomatoes. I had a Red Kuri winter squash planted as well, but it got taken down by the squash vine borer.

woman picking tomatoes under trellis in garden

Style #2: Triangular DIY Vegetable Trellis

This is a great option if you need to cut the panel in half for transport. Again, I have one “foot” of each cattle panel in a garden bed so I can walk underneath it.

There’s less dead space under the trellis with this design because it has a slightly more compact footprint than the arch.

Some things I’ve grown on my triangular garden trellis over the years:

cattle panel trellis design

Two tomatillo plants on the left side (purple and green) and two Diva cucumber plants on the right side. Both vegetables do well on this style trellis and I grow them often.

diy cattle panel trellis

Sun Gold cherry tomatoes and Black-eyed Susan vine on are both enjoying their time on this trellis. I’ve tried growing Black-eyed Susan Vine twice and it’s not vigorous enough for me, so I’ve quit planting it.

trellis in vegetable garden

Style #3: Flat Cattle Panel Trellis

A flat trellis is another wonderful option if you’re not able to transport a full-sized livestock panel. The one in the above photo is installed in an 8′ long bed. I was able to cut a 16′ long livestock panel into two flat trellises.

Make sure to confirm the full length of the panel you find locally and then measure your garden beds to figure out how many flat vegetable trellises you’ll be able to get out of one panel. 

Notice in the photo that I’m using heavy duty t-posts to support this trellis. We’ll talk more about that in the next section on how to make a cattle panel trellis.

My favorite vegetables and flowers to grow on a flat trellis are:

cattle panel trellis ideas

Peas! Did you know there are other options besides boring old green peas? My favorite variety is Golden Sweet Peas

vining vegetable trellis

I experimented with Cucamelon vines one season and the young girls who live next door absolutely loved them. The plants produce a lot, so you should have a plan for them!

Those are my top three favorite vegetable trellis designs for home gardens. 

Your first step is to decide on which version you want and where you’re going to put it. 

Next, I’m going to show you how incredibly simple it is to build one.

trellis cattle panel

Where to Buy Cattle Panel for a Trellis

Purchase cattle panels at a farm supply store like Fleet Farm or Farm and Fleet. 

Important note: They’re very long, so if you don’t have a truck you might want to bring bolt cutters and cut them in half for transport or borrow a large vehicle from a friend or neighbor. Trellis styles #2 (Triangular Trellis) and #3 (Flat Cattle Panel Trellis) are best for cut panels.

I borrowed a small trailer from a neighbor and was able to bend them into an arch to fit into the trailer for transport.

The cattle panels look like this at the store. You might want to take a scouting trip to see what your options are and confirm the full measurements of the panels.

vegetable trellis diy

Other Supplies You’ll Need

You need a few more supplies in addition to the cattle panel: metal posts, zip ties, and an optional post pounder.

For trellis styles #1 (Garden Arch Trellis) and #2 (Triangular Trellis) you’ll need four 3′ light duty u-posts for each trellis. They should cost around $2 each. You could also use long pieces of rebar.

For trellis style #3 (Flat Cattle Panel Trellis), the u-posts won’t be strong or tall enough to hold it upright. You’ll need two heavy duty t-posts for each flat trellis.

T-posts come in different heights, so make sure you get a height that is taller than your panel because you’ll be pounding the bottom of the post into the ground. 

Mallet or Post Pounder
For the smaller u-posts I simply used a rubber mallet we had in the garage to pound them into the ground. For the taller t-posts the easiest way to install them is with a post pounder.

Zip Ties or Metal Wire
When I built my first trellises I used zip ties to secure the posts to the panel. I like the green ones! But, they didn’t hold up over time. So, I replaced them with metal wire instead.

Note: I consider t-posts and a post pounder essential tools in my garden. I’ve had both in my garage for 18 years and use them all season long for all kinds of different projects. But, if you don’t want to buy either of these supplies choose style #1 or #2.

How to Make a Cattle Panel Trellis

Now it’s time to delve into how to “build” your trellis. But, don’t worry, it’s more like assembling, no building skills necessary.


Step 1: Cut your cattle panel, if necessary.

You’ll need to cut the panel if you’re building the triangular or flat trellis. Bolt cutters are the best way to do this.

Step 2: Grab a helper and position your trellis.

Play around with positioning the trellis until you get it right where you want it. This is definitely a two-person job.

Simple Garden Trellis

The light-duty u-post with trellis attached.

Step 3: Install the posts and attached the trellis.

Use a hammer, mallet, or post pounder to drive the posts into the ground. Once you get them all in, attach the cattle panels to the posts using zip ties or metal wire. I find it easiest to do one side at a time.

If you’re building the garden arch style (#1) you’ll simply bend the panel over to make an arch and secure the other end with two more posts and ties.

If you’re assembling the triangular vegetable trellis (#2) you’ll need to use zip ties or wire to bring the top of the triangle together.

The flat trellis can also be secured using zip ties. I use one in each of the four corners. Make sure they’re tight so the trellis doesn’t slip down the post.

That’s it! You’ve just added some eye-catching trellises to your garden. You’ll be the talk of the neighborhood.

Now you’re ready to plant.

vegetable on trellis

Diva Cucumber

What to Plant on Your DIY Vegetable Trellis

The best vegetables and flowers to grow on your garden trellises are naturally vining or very tall plants.

Most vines will come equipped with twining stems or tendrils that will assist them in climbing and holding on to the trellis. They’ll require very little assistance from you. The tall plants that aren’t vines will need some support and guidance to climb the trellis.

Vining Vegetables


Cucumbers: Diva, Lemon, Silver Slicer

Peas: Golden Sweet, Sugar Ann

Pole Beans: Fortex

Summer Squash: Tromboncino

Winter squash: Delicata, Butternut, Honey Nut, Black Futsu, Long Island Cheese, or any other variety

Annual Vining Flowers:

The flowers on this list will need to be replanted every year if you live in a colder climate.

Black-eyed Susan vine

Cardinal Flower

Climbing Nasturtium

Love Vine

Mandevilla Vine 

Purple Hyacinth Bean

The flowers on this list will need to be replanted every year if you live in a colder climate.

Perennial Vining Flowers:

I’ve planted several spring and early summer blooming clematis vines on my arched trellises to provide some early season greenery and color. 

You can shop for interesting vining flowers at your local farmers markets and garden nurseries.

flowers for vegetable garden trellis

The striking flowers of Purple Hyacinth Bean

Vegetable plants that grow tall, but aren’t vines, will need some support from you to hold on to and climb the cattle panel trellises.

Usually, this means tying some of the branches gently to the trellis to encourage them in certain directions, mostly up! These vegetables are still a great fit for garden trellises.

Tall Vegetable Plants

Tomatoes: Sun Gold

Tomatillos: Purple and Green

You can find all of the seed varieties in this list in one spot in my Amazon store here.

If you like the idea of creating a garden that feeds your body with abundant harvests and your soul with beauty and joy, then this DIY cattle panel trellis project is for you!

With a few dollars and an afternoon of work, you’ll instantly add height, visual interest, and an exciting new feature to your vegetable garden.

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  • Megan, these are lovely!

    What are you growing on yours? They look so lush, yet not overwhelming.

    I used a triangle-style arch for tomatoes one year. I’m a notorious too-close planter, and the panels bowed under the tomato bounty. Ha, we practically had to crawl inside to pick! Kids loved it though. 🙂

    • Hi Amy – I was thinking about writing another post about what I’ve grown on them. On the rounded one I have clematis, delicata squash, Mandevilla vine and tomatillos. On the triangular one I have Sungold tomatoes, Red Kuri squash and cucumbers. Livestock panels are very strong, so I find they don’t really buckle under the weight like other wire. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Great idea! I have had trouble finding a strong enough trellis. I love this idea! Thank you Megan for such wonderful blogs. I am anxious to read about all that you planted for your trellis to be so lush. I have some old trellis roses that were neglected when we moved to the homestead that I have been loving back to life with compost. I will use this idea to have them climb the side of my porch! Thank you!

  • […] .Read more about adding beauty to your vegetable garden:How to Grow a Colorful Garden5 Ways to Create an Artistic GardenEasy & Beautiful DIY Garden Trellis […]

  • Thank you so much for sharing! This is EXACTLY what Have been looking for and was literally days away from dropping $300 on an archway trellis. Now I can spend my savings on more plants. 🙂

  • Another hint – Get the black (UV protected) zip ties. The standard white ones often get brittle and break within a season but the black ones last for years.

  • Love this idea. I saw these on your site and wondered what you used to make them. It would be great for pole beans. I think I would love to try this idea in my garden this year. We have a farm & fleet right down the road from us. Thank you for sharing.

  • your trellises are really beautiful! I am using an old rotary clothes airer as a trellis to grow malabar spinach on this summer. I’m trying it for the first time. I have heard it is very heat tolerant, and as I grow in south east Spain (zone 10) our lettuce and regular spinach season is December through to March or April. I’m looking forward to trying the malabar spinach in salads, smoothies and sautéed with lots of home grown garlic and tomatoes.

    • You’re on a very different time schedule than I am here in Wisconsin! Thanks for sharing what’s happening in your garden, Elaine.

  • Sandi Galion Hodge

    I Always plant Peas, Beans, and Cukes.
    They work Great Every Year.

  • Hi Megan:

    Enjoy your articles.

    Have used the cattle fences for the school gardens the past few years and haven’t had any success with finding a vegetable that clings to the fencing and climbs. Tried pole beans, cukes and small pumpkins. I even tie the tendrils to the fencing and it still doesn’t want to grab. I’ve used the arch and pyramid method. Any suggestions?

    Thanks…Bill B.

    • Bill – I’m not sure why they’re not climbing up your fencing. Sometimes I have to help mine get started, but then they take over. Delicata squash is one of the most vigorous I grow on my trellises. Try that?

  • […] it remains one of my most favorite things I’ve ever built in my garden (along with these easy DIY trellises) and it was so easy! You don’t need any special tools, talent, or know-how to build one in […]

  • I bought two cattle panels last summer. First time for me. We learned that you do need a truck to haul or a trailer. I have a van, but they will not fit. The panels are heavy wire and will not bend easily which also makes them so nice for holding up lots of vines. I planted pickling cukes on one and a variety of gourds on the other. Both worked well, although the gourds clung better than the cukes. This year I will use them again, and I will watch the cukes closer and help them along, if needed. Last summer I did not thin out my cukes enough and had a massive amount of vines/leaves to find cukes in. The gourds worked great. I had a lot of birdhouse gourds, and they hung straight down while growing. They had nice straight necks on them when harvested. I did use black zip ties and didn’t realize they were better than white ones, as another comment suggested. When we cleaned the garden out this fall, we did remove the cattle panel trellises for the winter. We’ll reinstall again for the coming planting season. I have also used metal futon frames and metal baby crib sides to make “v” shaped trellises. I find them at auctions. I zip tie them at the top and have a nice “v” to have things climb. I used them for pole beans and Sungold cherry tomatoes last summer.

  • I’m concerned I won’t be able to reach produce growing at the top of the arches(I’m 5’4”). Is this a problem for you?

    • Hi Sarah- Yes, once things get up to the top I usually need a small step ladder.

  • Katie Mulvaney

    Hey!! I’m getting ready to do this in my garden, love the idea…. But I’m trying to figure out how much space I need. Do you know the length from end to end? Thanks!

    • Great question, Katie! The length of the livestock panel is 16′. How much space it takes in your garden really depends on how you position it. If you cut it in half as I did, each side will the 8′ long. You can make them as narrow or as wide at the bottom as you’d like. There’s lots of room for play to make them fit your garden situation. Good luck!

  • […] Remember that if space is a challenge, it’s possible to grow small varieties, such as Baby Boo, on an overhead trellis.  I grow most of my winter squash and pumpkins on my cattle panel trellises. […]

  • […] My favorite way to grow cherry tomatoes is with a cattle panel trellis. I love having the plants grow on the arched trellis at the entrance to my garden. I’m less likely to miss any ripening fruits when I walk below fruit that is hanging in front of my nose.  In this article I share the different styles and how to easily make your own cattle panel trellis. […]

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